Category: Uncategorized
500 Million Years of Earth’s Temperature: How CO2 Shaped Our Climate History
Introduction: How Earth’s Temperature Has Changed Over the Past 500 Million Years Earth’s temperature has changed a lot over the last 500 million years. A recent study created a new temperature curve, showing that our planet’s temperature has varied more than scientists previously thought. This period is called the Phanerozoic Eon, and it’s known for…
Mental Imagery Explained: How Your Brain Visualizes and Boosts Performance
What Is Mental Imagery? Researchers Explain the Pictures in Your Mind Have you ever closed your eyes and imagined yourself in a soccer match, with the crowd roaring and the game on the line? Some people can visualize such scenarios vividly, while others can’t picture anything at all. Mental imagery, or the ability to visualize…
Çatalhöyük: Early Farming Village Had Far Fewer People Than Expected
One of the World’s First Farming Villages Housed Fewer People Than Expected A new look at one of the earliest farming villages, Çatalhöyük, shows it wasn’t as crowded as scientists once thought. Earlier studies estimated that this ancient settlement, located in what is now southern Turkey, could have had between 2,800 and 10,000 people. However,…
Aysun Kayacı
Kısa BiyografiAysun Kayacı 23 Mart 1979’da, İstanbul’da doğdu. 15 yaşında mankenliğe katıldığı fuarlarda stant görevliliği yaparak başlamıştır. Bir süre sadece mankenlik yaptıktan sonra 2000’li yıllarda oyunculuğa da başlamış ve Zehirli Çiçek adlı TV dizisinde rol almıştır. 2004 yılında 12.MGD Altın Objektif Ödüllerinde Yılın En İyi Mankeni ödülünü alan Aysun Kayacı. 2005 yılında Çat Kapı, 2006…
Miss World 2002 – Azra Akin
Miss World 2002 – Azra Akin Turkish Model Wins Controversial Miss WorldLONDON (Reuters) – A21 -year-old Turkish model and dancer took the Miss World (news – web sites) crown on Saturday in a contest moved to Britain from Nigeria after deadly Muslim-Christian riots sparked by controversy over the pageant.“I am so happy and excited,” Azra…
How Whales and Dolphins Adapted Their Backbones for Life in Water
If you’ve ever seen a dolphin swim, you may have wondered why they move their bodies up and down, not side to side like fish. Although they look similar to fish, dolphins, whales, and porpoises, all belong to a group of mammals called cetaceans. These animals came from land-dwelling ancestors, similar to dogs, cats, and…
20 Iconic Video Games of the 1990s That Defined a Generation
The 1990s were a transformative decade for the video game industry, bringing forth some of the most beloved and iconic titles that continue to influence gaming culture today. This era saw the rise of console gaming, with companies like Nintendo, Sega, and Sony pushing the boundaries of what video games could achieve in terms of…
PROF. DR. HÜLYA ARGUNŞAH 1961 Eskişehir’de doğdu. 1979 yılında İstanbul Pendik Lisesi’ni bitirdikten sonra 1979-1980 öğretim yılında İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü’ne girdi. 1983 yılında buradan mezun olarak aynı yıl Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü’nde Yeni Türk Edebiyatı anabilim dalında yüksek lisansa başladı.1985’te Prof. Dr.İnci ENGİNÜN’ün danışmanlığında hazırladığı Yakup Kadri…
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe, [Lina Teal, her acting name in USA]Birthday: January 19, 1978Birthplace: NorwayHome Base: Los Angeles, but plans to move to the big AppleProfession: Model and part-time actress.MoviesDisturbing BehaviorLake Placid TVFirst WaveLoin Like a Hunting FlameViperCommercialsAxe – Natassia’s role was a Stewardess sitting in a bar in an airport then the Pilot came with an…
Türkiye’de Anarko-Komünizmin Yükselişi: Birlik ve Mücadele
Proudhon Anarşinin Adını Koyar Hükümetsiz toplum durumuyla ilişki olarak ilk kez anarşi adını kullanan 1840 yılında Proudhon (Qu’est-ce que la propriété? birinci inceleme) olmuştur. Fransız Devrimi sırasında Girondistler “Anarşistler” deyimini, devrim görevinin 16. Louise’nin devrilmesi ve bir dizi ekonomik önlemin (uygulaması gerçekleştirilmeye başlanan bu ekonomik önlemler şunlardı: feodal hak ve yetkilerin tümüyle kaldırılması, 1669’dan beri…